Starlink delivers connectivity for Tarmac flagship event
Tarmac, a CRH company, is the UK’s leading sustainable building materials and construction solutions business.
When Tarmac hosted its NextGen 2030+ event on 27 June 2024 to continue leading the conversation and accelerate change in the industry they needed reliable connectivity to support their event plans.
As Onwave had delivered this the previous year, our team were on hand when detailed operational planning for the 2024 event began.
Why Starlink was the best solution
The Tarmac event was held at Tunstead Quarry – an area lacking in the connectivity necessary to support this large-scale event and provide connectivity to around 120 of Tarmacs customers and partners.
Fibre was impractical due to the locations and cellular coverage could not support the bandwidth requirements of such a large event, however Starlink offered optimal speeds, rapid deployment and was a temporary solution that didn’t tie Tarmac into a lengthy contract.
Onwave has an excellent relationship with Tarmac, supporting them with challenging site deployments.
What Onwave delivered for Tarmac
We provided a pair of High performance Starlink antennas with 4G/5G bonded service at four separate locations with managed Wi-Fi networks to support 150-200 people at each location.
Each location was supported by an onsite engineer during the 2-day event to ensure any issues could be resolved swiftly.
What Onwave delivered for Tarmac
- A temporary solution
- Onwave engineer support
- Site surveying
- Pre-event testing
- Remote site connectivity
- Fully managed service
- Installation and decommissioning
Tarmac came to Onwave as a trusted partner to deliver connectivity across the 4 locations which would be reliable and high speed. The event was very high profile and Tarmac could not afford for there to be any loss of service during the event.
Feedback from the attendees was very positive, the Tarmac IT team were very pleased with the solution and support we offered.
The Onwave team provided exceptional service, contributing significantly to the event’s success. We look forward to collaborating with Onwave on future projects across challenging landscapes and rugged terrain.
– Mark Skidmore
Business Infrastructure Manager